Archive for the 'Screencast' Category
Daylite Screencast
March 4, 2008Kevin over at a mac lawyer’s notebook has posted his first screencast. The screencast is about how to use Daylite, and includes lots of explanatory text as well. Daylite is a perfect application for screencast tutorials. As I have written about before, Daylite can at first appear quite limited. Daylite’s real power shows through once you uncover the many useful ways to combine its basic features. If you haven’t already seen it (and have 27 spare minutes), head on over to a mac lawyer’s notebook to check out the Daylite screencase.
OmniFocus Basics Video
February 17, 2008I know you’re all waiting for the Apple Briefs review of OmniFocus that is sure to appear Any Day NowTM. Actually, as I stated previously, I am waiting until Things is feature complete because I plan to do a comparison review (or, more likely, a series of reviews) and I want it to be a fair comparison. In the meantime, you can head on over to The Omni Group blog to check out a new video on OmniFocus Basics. There are no big GTD secrets in the video, but it does cover the basic features of OmniFocus well.
ScreenFlow: Pro Screencasting
February 14, 2008I have been looking into putting a few screencasts on Apple Briefs but hadn’t started looking at screencasting software yet. Today I think that search is over before it even began. ScreenFlow from Vara Software has left me absolutely speechless.
ScreenFlow is like a flight data recorder on an airplane. While recording, ScreenFlow isn’t just filming, it is tracking mouse movements, foreground windows, keypresses, and more. All that information shows up in ScreenFlow’s post-production environment. You can check it all out in (surprise) a number of screencasts on Vara’s website.