Archive for the 'Poll' Category
Mac OS X Leopard Server
April 23, 2008I recently bought a copy of Mac OS X Leopard Server. I bought it without a specific purpose in mind, but I do have a few ideas on how we can use it. I am interested to see how many lawyers (and other small businesses) are using Leopard Server. What are you running it on? Mine is installed on a Mac Mini. What are you using it for, and how well is it working out for you? I have included a poll to collect general feedback. Please feel free to leave comments also. Don’t be shy!

Apple Releases the 16GB iPhone
February 5, 2008Apple announced the 16GB iPhone today. We all knew it was only a matter of time – I just don’t think anyone expected it so soon after MacWorld. The new model comes in at the old high-end price point of $499.
Is that 8GB worth an extra $100? I bought my 4GB iPhone right after the price drop, when they were selling for $299. I just don’t see myself watching movies and 4GB is enough storage for my music collection (which has been honed to fit perfectly on my 2GB iPod Nano). How about you? Do you need an extra 8GB enough to pay $100 more for it?

Poll: External Optical Drive For Your Sub-notebook?
January 2, 2008Rumors of a sub-notebook computer from Apple have been floating around the Internet for quite a while. Last month, rumors indicated that Apple was going to announce the sub-notebook at Macworld, which takes place next week. Recently, a new twist to the rumor has appeared. Like many other sub-notebook manufacturers, Apple will apparently be offering an external optical drive for the Mac sub-notebook. The one thing the rumors haven’t made clear is whether the external drive will be an option or come standard. That ambiguity, combined with my own personal interest in the outcome, makes that a great first Apple Briefs poll question.
I am considering getting a smaller notebook than my current MacBook Pro. I have wondered myself a few times if I am better off getting a MacBook instead of the new sub-notebook (MacBook Mini?). Previously, I was drawn to the pro laptops from Apple because the graphics chips and keyboards were vastly superior to those in the consumer models. Now, however, the keyboards are mostly comparable (I love my new iMac keyboard, which was seems based on the work done for the MacBook). The graphics chip in the sub-notebook is also likely to be closer to that in the MacBook due to heat and power-consumption issues.
Ultimately, I think I am not likely to want an optical drive in a sub-notebook. If I was going to use it frequently, I would probably just get a MacBook. However, I don’t think I would want to use it frequently. In that case, it would be spending most of its days in a drawer in my office. Undoubtedly, whenever I wanted to use it, the optical drive would still be in that drawer in my office – safe, but unusable. But, that’s just what I think. Let everyone know what you think by voting in the poll!