Disc Cover 2.0 Released

March 18, 2008  (Jeffrey Kabbe)

BeLight today released Disc Cover 2.0. Disc Cover is a design application for making CD and DVD labels. I have been using the pervious version (most recently, 1.5.1) for over a year. Disc Cover is quite intuitive and makes it a snap to throw together some pictures, other graphics, and text to make something quite attractive.

My wife has been using Disc Cover in her estate planning practice to burn CDs for clients and referral sources. If you need to deliver documents, video, or audio to someone, it’s very impressive to do it with a CD that has your law firm name and logo printed on it along with a description of what is on the disk.

For a list of the new features in Disc Cover 2.0, visit the BeLight website.


  1. Keep up the great posts. Enjoying your blog.

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